Virtual Professional Development
No programming experience necessary!
Virtual Professional Development:
If you choose to participate, you will be asked to:
Attend a one-time, 75-minute kick off virtually
Attend weekly 45-minute meetings virtually
Attend weekly 45-minute collaborative working sessions virtually
Complete weekly assignments from the Scratch Encore curriculum
Plan to incorporate Scratch Encore into curriculum during the 2021-2022 school year
​To register for our Summer 2021 Virtual PD, please register here. Please see our flyer for additional information. Unfortunately, all non-CPS slots are now full.
Please know that the Scratch Encore materials are still available to you - free of cost! Feel free to explore the curriculum and implement it with your students. To access the Scratch Encore materials, visit
PD workshop for Scratch Encore, an intermediate programming-based computational thinking curriculum designed for 5th-7th grade learners designed to be ethnically and socioeconomically inclusive. The curriculum instructional materials are designed for instructors with varying experience levels.
What is special about Scratch Encore?
All materials and PD are free of charge.
The curriculum provides a variety of activities that teachers can choose from based on topics that are engaging for their students.
We provide complete lesson plans, including discussion prompts, reflections, extension ideas, and assessments.
It is designed with research-based pedagogical approaches, including the Use->Modify->Create learning sequence for each content area and TIPP&SEE, a brand-new learning strategy developed by our lab to help students navigate the Scratch interface efficiently.
​​CPDU hours and Completion Certificates will be provided.
* Workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation.