The TEC Rubric
The Teacher Accessibility, Equity, and Content (TEC) Rubric for Evaluating Computing Curricula
The TEC Rubric is a curriculum evaluation rubric aimed at assisting educators and educational decision makers and curriculum designers to develop and select appropriate computing curricula to meet the needs of their students. The rubric is designed to examine three major categories of need within introductory computing curricula: Teacher Accessibility, Equity, and Content. It provides criteria with which to measure the quality of computer science curricula for use within the K-12 setting along the goals of:
1. Designing for Culturally-Relevant Computing and Students with Exceptionalities
2. Designing for Advanced Learning of Concepts and Practices
3. Designing for Teachers as Learners
Each category is divided into subcategories with concrete criteria highlighting characteristics that may or may not be part of the curriculum. Using the evaluations, reviews can identify areas of strength and areas of weakness in curricula and use their evaluations to choose the most appropriate curriculum for their setting or supplement the provided materials to improve upon them.

For questions, please contact David Weintrop ( or Diana Franklin (
Weintrop, D., Coenraad, M., Palmer, J., & Franklin, D. (2019). The Teacher Accessibility, Equity, and Content (TEC) Rubric for Evaluating Computing Curricula. ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), 20(1), 1-30
David Weintrop, Merijke Coenraad, Jen Palmer, and Diana Franklin. 2019. The Teacher Accessibility, Equity, and Content (TEC) Rubric for Evaluating Computing Curricula. ACM Trans. Comput. Educ. 20, 1, Article 5 (February 2020), 30 pages. DOI:
title={The Teacher Accessibility, Equity, and Content (TEC) Rubric for Evaluating Computing Curricula},
author={Weintrop, David and Coenraad, Merijke and Palmer, Jen and Franklin, Diana},
journal={ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE)},
publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}