While the QIS workforce challenges are expansive and more than any single program can tackle, current activities combined with the excitement permeating through all sectors suggests that the community is collectively poised to make significant strides forward. At this time, QIS education would benefit from additional scaffolding to secure progress – Q2Work aims to provide key elements of this scaffolding. This new project is motivated in part the need for connecting learners and educators with high-quality, age-appropriate QIS resources. It is imperative that these resources are readily available to the community, and that education programs be identified and implemented at an appropriate stage. Thus, the major components of Q2Work
online QIS education hub to showcase and contextualize education efforts happening across the QIS ecosystem
a cohesive set of workshops to further the development of K-12 QIS education resources.
leadership and coordination of the Q12Partnership
See q12education.org for more information!